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    We both like animals and hope to get some chickens and rabbits soon.  We are also thinking of a couple goats or sheep.  Right now, we have two cats.  Their names are Clack and Casper.

    Clack was named after Click and Clack from  Jason's favorite radio show, NPR's Car Talk.  We also used to have Click, but he died a few years ago.  We have had Clack almost as long as we've been married!

    Casper is named after Casper the friendly ghost, because he is all white.  He was a stray that showed up at our house last summer.  He is definitely not the smartest cat in the world, but he is very entertaining. 

    They usually steer clear of each other, but once in a while, we catch them invading each others' space.

We actually, also have bees, since Jason enjoys beekeeping.  They aren't exactly "pets", but Jason likes to act like they are.
J janinejason.tripod.com